Not a buggy in sight

This morning we took the Little Frog on our dog walk and did a front cross carry without spreading the passes (thanks Bryony!) which meant that Edward only had 1 layer of fabric holding him in as it was lovely and hot. He stayed pretty cool really, I think as he was against me I could regulate his temperature. I remember reading that about newborns and skin to skin contact, so presume it still applies?! 

Then in the afternoon we took Morse (the dog) for a haircut. While we were waiting I popped into Asda and put Edward in the connecta. At the checkout a lovely lady in front said how happy he looked and that it was lovely to see someone carrying their baby. She said her daughter had just come back from travelling around Cambodia or Laos or somewhere exotic and she said how everyone carries their babies there. She told me how they have the older ones on their back and younger ones on the front with a basket on their head for anything else, not a buggy in sight! 

I love Edward being in the carrier, he's so happy looking out at the world. He has so much interaction with people that I'm sure he would miss out on if he were in a buggy. Checkout people nearly always give him a 'hello' and a wave and have a chat to him, random people come up and say hello to him all the time, if they're lucky he'll give them a cheeky smile or two. It's so brilliant how he gets to interact with the world rather than just being an onlooker.

Steph R

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