Today was a bit of a lazy day. It has been raining in Barnstaple and as it was a bank holiday Monday and my hubby was home we decided to just have a day sorting out the house and doing shopping.
By about 5pm my 17 month old was getting a bit fractious and was desperate to have a sleep, however, I am a mean sensible mummy and if she hasn't napped before 3pm then I make sure she stays awake until bedtime as otherwise she is likely to be awake until 2am...
So we had tea and she perked up but was fidgety and fractious. She normally falls asleep whilst feeding but not tonight, she was extremely overtired and would not give in.

.....and that was because she was fast asleep snuggled into my neck xx
...and I even managed to put her down without waking her up in the cot which is really cool as sleeping on a wrap helps to break them in* so win-win :)
*however, I did remove this wrap shortly after the photo was taken as I am not sure how safe this would be to leave a baby wrapped in a sling unattended x