Today was the most wonderful day!  Bright sunshine, cuddles with my baby and a lot of positive comments from random strangers in South Molton! 

I hadn't been babywearing for a couple of weeks and really missed the special snuggles.  As soon as I picked my pink wrap up this morning though Layla held her arms up for a cuddle!  I lifted her legs in and tucked the fabric around her and we were good to go!  We went to get her weighed (I love knowing how chubby she is now) and caught up with the other mummies.  We saw a beautiful baby all snuggled up in a ringsling and it reminded me of those early days with Layla when she seemed to be constantly feeding!  We had a stretchy wrap at the time which was brilliant skin-to-skin contact and allowed me to have hands free to eat cake and drink lots of cold tea!  (Also to hoover but I didn't tell my other half that)!

After we'd been to the clinic we went to the library where we were complimented by a lady who said that it was lovely to see a baby all snuggled up as she was!  Layla actually went to sleep whilst I was choosing our books, she must have been very comfortable!  I was able to do a quick shop around the supermarket before she woke - although I chatted to her out of habit on my way through the aisles!  I asked her opinion on which were the best bananas and sang a song, I'm so used to the constant interaction that I forgot she was asleep until I got to the checkout! 

On our way home a teenage boy looked at Layla and said to his friend: 'that is soooo cool' and it made my day.  Maybe when he grows up he might carry his baby too and appreciate all the lovely cuddles firsthand x

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