All wrapped up ready for a lovely cold, wet, windy trip to South Molton. I thought it was summer now, but it seems that was last weekend and it's now autumn again, brrrrrrr. Love the owl leg warmers, well done Bryony for finding the bargain leg warmer website!
I wore my babywearing poncho today (actually its just a poncho but both our heads just about for through the head hole with a bit of stretching!) which is warm and snuggly. Saw a boy of about 8 or 9 while we were wandering along the high strett and I swear he looked at us as if we were some kind of two headed monster! Ha ha. Guess babywearing is still a bit unusual. I just wonder why it is regarded as normal for people to walk around with the most precious thing in the world to them arm's length away in a buggy, being looked down on all the time. While having them close to you so you can talk to them and involve them in what you're doing is sometimes seen as a bit odd. How long have buggys been around? What about the thousands of years before that? People had babies then, they must've been carried! It's in our genes! Loads of people do give you a lovely knowing smile though we is really nice.