Little Frog diaries

So today, the lovely Hannah dropped off the new library Little Frog size 5 wrap to me. My mission is to make it soft and lovely for people to use! So I thought we'd try it out first on our daily dog walk, I usually use my beloved connecta, which I can wear Edward in for a few hours in snuggly comfort, so it had a lot to live up to. 

After originally thinking rainbow wraps were not really me, I think I may be a convert. I wasn't totally sure at first as it seemed a bit bright and I'm more of a brown/black/grey neutral kinda gal, but I put it on (I admit I though about what I would wear that would tone it down a bit - white Capri shorts and black vest top) and felt the love straight away, unexpected! We tried a short cross carry that Tamsin had shown me at the last sling meet and although Edward was a bit low down (I think because the wrap is a bit tough at the moment) it was comfy carrying him for our long dog walk:

Edward was quite happy in the wrap and I wore him around the house a bit when we got back.

I actually love the cheery, happy summery colours, perfect for a beautiful sunny day. I think I've decided already I need one of these in my life! 

Later we went into Torrington for a quick trip to the co-op and I tried a front cross carry (FCC) with sling ring on my back, an amazingly clever carry (thank you Lindy for introducing me to this one and to Gill for showing me at the last sling meet) that doesn't even need to be tied as the ring holds it in place somehow! Wow, it blows my little mind. Anyway, I've decided it must be a lucky wrap somehow as in the coca-cola bin by the door there, staring up at me were two coke bottles with mine and Edward's name on. I bought them. Clever marketing coke, very clever. Why I bought them, I'm not sure, I do not really have any need for coke bottles with our names on but there we go. 

The FCC is a great carry as you can pop your baby in and out pretty easily and quickly so I got Edward in the car and left the wrap on. I drove home with a warm summery feeling, being all wrapped up in the pretty rainbow, almost wore it for the rest of the day without Edward in! So day 1 with little frog has been great, it is admittedly quite stiff and thick I think (although my knowledge of woven wraps is pretty limited!) but if I do my job properly, I'm hoping as well as being full of summery loveliness it will be buttery soft and snuggly too! (Then I'll need to buy my own and do it all over again!)
Steph x

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