It's officially hot

Sunny dog walk in the hills.  Edward fell asleep (as usual) and missed the amazing views we have. He started off wearing his  sunhat (an emergency purchase from Tesco - other retailers sell sun hats too, as I dropped his other one) but a few problems arose:
1) As it was an emergency purchase, it's a size too big so although it keeps the sun off he can't see anything.
2) It's too floppy so even if it wasn't a size to big I think he still wouldn't be able to see.

The connecta hood served us well once he was asleep though. 

I have decided he needs a crocodile dundee style hat, or better still a baby Stetson. Can you get baby Stetsons? Or perhaps I need at 1900s style white lacy parasol? 
Watch this space.

One response to “It's officially hot

  1. Love this photo, lovely carrier and cute little face peeping out :)

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